March 6

Ma had me bring some of her herbs down south, to Light’s Hope Chapel.

It ain’t the first time she’s had me do deliveries, but normally just down into the Ghostlands. I thought the scourge there were bad, but damn, I swear I saw an abomdamnation fifty feet tall- at least! It had a piece of gut hanging out that was bout as long as ten of me. I wish I could’ve gotten a better look, but I thought myself smarter to get outta there before it hooked me. Momma says some of them can do that.

The paladins there were so amazing, wearing all that plate. I even saw a pretty girl- though, I spose I shouldn’t be thinking of her as pretty. From what I hear, we’re supposed to hate the humans. I always heard they were more stupid than us, but them crusaders seemed to think pretty smart. Mean too, I smiled at her and she gave me a glare so hard it made Dr. Sunkeeper seem like a pup.

Got me to thinking that maybe girls would like me better if I weren’t so scrawny, and fel, might even make lifting that damn hammer easier. So soon as I got home I started working on some armor. Most of it is mail and leather, I gave a pair of plate boots- like the Commander wears- a try. Couldn’t walk in them, so I figured I’d put weights on my shoulders. At first, I kept falling over. Damn near broke my nose a few times, but now I can almost walk twenty minutes without tipping over! Mr. Bloodthorne is gonna be proud of me.

I been getting some muscle on me too, you can almost notice it now. Momma noticed it, thought it curious. I still haven’t told her bout the Vanguard yet, don’t plan to either. She’ll tell me that I’ll get mixed up in a war or something round those lines. I’ll wait until I can make her proud of me for doin it. Maybe after I slay a dragon or something.

I even been practicing with one of those pole arms. They’re easier for me to lift and move than my sword, and don’t cut myself so much when I hit trees. I wonder if Dr. Sunkeeper will keep throwing bombs at me when I’m bigger than him…Stupid old fart.

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